Writing in the Washington Post, Radley Balko points out that the American criminal justice is system is mired in its own tarpit of ‘alternative facts’ arising out of shortcomings and mistakes in the world of forensics. Ten years ago the National Academy of Sciences first drew sharp attention to the problem; since then there have…
Author: jbla
IG Review Finds Fault With BOP Handling of Female Inmates
The Office of the Inspector general has published a report entitled “Review of the Federal Bureau of Prison’s Management of Its Female Inmate Population” that is critical of the BOP’s performance. Following is the Executive Summary of the report, followed by a link to the full report. We concluded that BOP has not been strategic…
Developing Mitigation Evidence
More than 90% of Federal cases end in a guilty plea. Once guilt is no longer at issue, the focus moves to mitigation — the factors that diminish the level of guilt and weigh in favor of lesser punishment. This article by Janet Hinton provides a good overview of the process. Janet Hinton (FPD E.D.…
Getting Started
Thanks for stopping by. After more than three decades helping criminal defense attorneys and their clients in Los Angeles and throughout the US, we have decided to quietly venture onto the internet with a blogsite that we hope will provide useful information to the people we work with. Our idea is that this site will…